Preparation and confirmation before the application
Please inform the platforms available for access.
Please use the following browsers to make your application:

・Microsoft Edge (latest version)
・Google Chrome (latest version)
・Mozilla Firefox (latest version)
・Apple Safari (latest version)

In case your browser uses tabs, if you proceed with your application opening a new tab for each section, the selected contents may suffer errors.
Please refrain from using different tabs for the application process.

Can I use mobile phone or tablet?
Yes, however we recommend you to use it for checking your information only.
We recommend you to use a computer as much as possible.

Regarding the e-mail address, can I use a free e-mail service or mobile phone address?
Yes, you can.
The e-mail address registered in your application will be used by the International Affairs Office Admissions Section to contact you for further information and announcements.
Please register a valid e-mail address.

For those who have a list of accepted domains in their e-mail account, please include the following domain in order to receive our messages:

About the registration and the documents for application
There are some characters that cannot be inputted into Japanese kanji.
Please insert an alternative character or write it in Katakana.

Are there other languages besides Japanese and English available?
All information in the application must be written in English or Japanese only.

However, you can contact us for inquiries on Chinese and Korean as well.

Which documents should I prepare for the application?
Please check the application guidelines.

I may have written a wrong information in my application. What should I do?
Please access the "Contact us" tab in your account page and contact the your International Affairs Office.

May I use a different photo for to upload to my account?
The headshot will be used for Certificate of Eligibility application. It must meet designated requirements set by Immigration Services Agency of Japan. Please see the Application Steps for more details.

Is it possible to save a draft of my application?
It is not possible to save a draft. Therefore, we recommend you to prepare all the contents beforehand.